
It was a Sunday, and my family and I went to a small waterfall. It took a long time to get there. Here’s a picture of that waterfall:

Image of a waterfall

It was so beautiful IRL, and it felt real too. If you have been chronically online for a while but then suddenly you go outside, the outside world feels very real for a moment. We had been on rivers before, never liked them, they are cold. This time tho, I just jumped in. Water was freezing, but it felt so good this time. We had a great time, we laughed and talked, and my brother did crazy stuff as usual. I love rivers now.

For many years, I never took these trips with my family for no valid reason. To be honest, I didn’t want to take this trip either, but I finally realized that my parents always wanted me and my brothers to be there. I’m so glad I said yes; now I have a great memory for the rest of my life. This trip made me remember how fortunate I am. I can’t be more grateful; I can’t ask for more. I’ve been very stupid, but it’s never too late to change.

Hug your parents.

Thanks for reading.
